Friday, October 31, 2008
I will sleep early...
and have enough sleep!!!

Why the sudden determination, you ask?

Because i found one good reason to do so!

As usual, i slept around 5 plus after watching Shimmy's live cam (and of course, his vids *winks*)

And i slept through, waking up at 1330. Wanting to count the hours i've slept, i felt around for my phone.

It's not on my bedtop, not on the floor, not on my bed, not on my study table, not in the living room. I panicked.

For two FULL seconds.
*smacks forehead*

Then i called myself, trying to hear either the ringtone or vibration of the phone. But i couldn't get through. And yes, i was starting to feel annoyed at that time.

So i called my dad. Surprisingly, he's able to pick up the phone. (He told all of us last night that his phone is down)

And so, feeling a bit for relieved, i confirmed with him if he was using my phone.

So YES he was.

But he said I was the one gave the phone to him when he asked.

I was puzzled because i remembered sleeping all the way through without waking up at all.

And dad told me briefly what happened.

He said he tried to wake me up and ask me for Momo's phone. I replied and even passed him my phone.


Of course i believe my Dad. And of course i also believed that i was so freakingishly tired that my body was awake and doing stuff but my head is still asleep.

And that dumb action caused me to be phoneless for a day.


So yes, as i was saying.

I found one reason to sleep early, and yes.

THIS is the reason.

Previous Posts:
unless you karma not making sense Ouch I'm dead yawns can't believe happy day Paiseh seh 習慣了痛的感覺 就永遠不會在感覺到它了
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