Sunday, November 30, 2008
I honestly didn't even think about blogging this tonight, but Gary decides to push me over the edge and here i am.Barely awake but still blogging. Maybe I could just paste the entire MSN convo here but NO!! Alright, maybe i should. Since i'm half asleep now. Plus Gary just went offline. No one to annoy now. *pouts* But yes, i'm going to start off as how i usually would. I was late in meeting people again but it wasn't my fault. I was in inhumane shoes today. I SWEAR!! And when i reached, i saw someone hugging Sushi while sketching. And man, he has awesome sketches. It looked uber nice. But no, no pictures. Damn. ): And after that, we walked around and i bought an uber nice jacket/cardigan/sweater/ some awesome top!! I fell in love with it the first time i saw it. *heart thumping hard* And after realizing he has a picture of it, i thought i can show it here, but NO. He refused to send it to me. And to think the amount of whining i gave to just try taking those photos back. And after that was a long long long... walk to Cine. I wouldn't mind that much if i was in normal shoes but *growls* i was not. My legs are literally aching very badly now. *strokes legs* And i'm really really uber bad at making decisions. *eyes my friends around me* Yes, and i chose the movie about a chiwawa from Beverly Hills, or something along that line. Rather average i would say. Though i saw the synopsis of another movie (which looks really awesome by the way) after the tickets were bought. *punches air* Dammit And so, after the tickets were bought, we had nothing to do and it was dinnertime. And freak, it was another time where i can't make any decisions. But LJS is where we went. And that's when all the photos were taken. It was initially just a very tired meal (where i try my best to keep my face out of my food... literally), but i woke up after eating. Because out of nowhere, Gary decides to start this photo taking frenzy. And facing a challenge, how can i ever step down? And life's unfair. I snapped rather good looking pictures of him but he had rather fugly pictures of me. *whines* And he just refuse to send me those pictures as to let me be able to edit them. *whines again* But in anyway, behold. *grins* That's for tormenting me with the photos. And *scratches chin* I still want my pictures back!!! And yawns, it's almost 4 now. And i'm really really tired. Night peeps. And hope that Gary will enjoy his stay at his Oman's home. (And from all the enjoyment, he'll feel really kind and send me the pictures) P/s: I realized i shouldn't really blog about this here. Since Gary can come online at any time and save those pictures away. Ah well. *shrugs shoulders* I guess, at least i still have the vids. :P |
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J