Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Im late
*rubs belly*
Supper is so good. I love how Mum cooks. Or is it because of the rareness of it am i appreciating it? I wonder... ...

Anyway, although i let my appetite rule over my sane, self-weight conscious mind most of the time, but that doesn't mean i don't think about it. But i don't really care much lately because it seems like i don't eat much in the day. I was sleeping most of the time, you see.

And i got back into the 45kg range!! Even after i ate my supper.
*cues applause*

Yes, i can let myself breathe a little lately i guess. Until i gain back a few kilos and start rolling eyes at myself.

It's a process. A very repeated and predicted process you see.

Even chocolate log cakes aren't stopping me. Sorry Mummy Ben, i don't think i can save a slice for you. Daddy Winson had been eating them everyday. And speaking of which, i only had one pathetic slice on the 25th itself and itself. The rest of the cake had been eating by Mummy Helen and Daddy Winson.

I thought it was bought for ME. ):

Oh NO. You didn't see 'Merry Christmas' on the box. It obviously says 'Happy Birthday'.

You mean you saw 'Merry Christmas'? Gosh, i think you need an appointment with your optician real soon. :P

And did you see the deer? I almost asked Mummy Helen to changed it to a camel.

Pity i didn't continue to press my case after Mummy Helen gave me a "are-you-mad" look.

Yes, that's Mummy Helen.

And don't look at her like she's the one putting together all the candles. It was yours truly who did it. She only did ONE. *roll eyes* Pretense pretense.

Yes, my camera is down for a long time. Ever since the battery casing was being pried open *growls*, it's a official R.I.P. for it.

(Speaking of that, i won't let anyone touch my gadgets ever again. *frowns*)

But at least Daddy Winson have a camera which i could use. All these pictures are taken with his. Apparently i'm still not very accustomed in using his.

Yes, apparently i need some help in finding the 'macro' function.
(P/s: This is Daddy GL's matches. I didn't know it was for my cake that day even when he took it out at Fish & Co.)

But after a few seconds of meddling, EUREKA!!

See, problem SOLVED!!

That's how the cake looks like before Mummy Helen start decorating it with candles.

And while Mummy Helen decorates, i snapped pictures.

I wonder if we're celebrating Christmas or Birthdays now.
*scratches chin*

And why is there a price tag there?

And as promised, the smaller candles circling the one lone larger one.

I even specifically told Mummy Helen on how to put the candles.

So Mummy Ben, happy now? (:

And oh yes, Mummy Helen was also a meanie in disguise. She deliberately trapped the poor deer in the midst of flaming candles.

Can you see it?

You can see it NOW, can't you?

Poor deer.

Yao le.


And i didn't realize how many toy-decor was on the cake. Had to pick it out one by one.

And all these doesn't involve the addition of candles. Mummy Helen happily walked off and Daddy Winson continued to watch his TV. And yes, Mummy Helen had already burned my hand ACCIDENTALLY (hopefully) by then.

Art in the eyes of the beholder.

*shifty glance*
Why are all you looking at me like THAT?

I was just kidding. I merely forgot to switch off the flash, that's ALL.

Did i remember to mention? Sushi is MINE.

Oh yes, i think i did. But just for the effect,

is MINE!!!

And so are all these.
(P/s: All these are not birthday gifts. Though some of them are.)

And oh yes, i need to rant.


So, i claimed her couch to be mine. I shoved her off when she tried to sit on her own couch.
*crosses arms*


She didn't even give me any cash cards.

And speaking of which, i'm pretty sad about this. The only cards i got this year were from ONE person. (Mummy Helen checked the mailbox for me already) Where were all my old friends?

Both are from Gary.

Oh YES. I forgot, there's such a thing called ELECTRONIC mail.

I swear they're cleaner in real life.

I've no idea how those white specks end up there.

*looks intently at speakers*
I don't see any white dust on them in real life, you know?

And yes, i've claimed this part of the table to be mine.
Sorry Daddy Winson and Mummy Helen.

The battle is over. And i'm the victorious one.

Previous Posts:
Someone Easier to run How can a novel speak so right into my heart? motion sickness hungry,tired Suitable? Rewritten new moon BFF? unfair
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And my boyf.
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