Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rock on
I actually really have nothing to talk about. Nothing to rant, nothing to rave. Absolutely nothing. But ironically, although i said i have nothing to talk about, i've been typing for the past twenty seconds.

Someone, please tell me how to spend my time. I totally have nothing interesting to do. Other than munching.

Ohm nom nom nom.

Anyways, finally watched [Hes just not so into you] after catching the 4 minute clip about this movie not being a chick flick.

Oh yes, that clip can be downloaded for free on iTunes. But i forgot the link to the podcast.

*edges away at the myspace quote again*


And ahhhs, i shouldn't wash both my cardigans and scarf at one go. The red cardigan and scarf are my new favo clothes/accessories. Going out with either of them proves to be tormenting to me.

Ahem. Yes and even though i can't picture myself in any clothes when i shop but i wanna get a choker. A plain doggy one. (Or at least that's what i call it.) The sliver cross i had on the other one went all ickky and sticky. I apparently need that sliver dust thingy to clean it but i don't have it. Plus the leather had gone a little weird. Maybe some cleaning is going to work but i'm just too lazy. And i'm not going to get a new one like that (it freaking cost me fifty just on one of that).

The plain doggy one is under ten, or at least that's what i suppose.

Yes, you can see my fugly bed and blankets. But they're the comfiest thing in the world. Don't judge them!!!
*snuggles into them*

And *nods*, you can see me finally charging my little player near my oh-so-comfy pillow. It's like a "finalllyyyy" thing. I've been going out without my little iShuffle ever since months ago. I think i stopped listening to it while i was still going to class in Sem 2.

I literally had nothing new to listen to. And as time goes by, i stopped listening to it altogether. Plus, i can always use iTunes when i'm in class. But i just download some songs from three singers so i am going back to start bringing my little faithful iShuffle out.

And guess what i saw? It was thrown into our house by some people i guess. It's really weird that if people litter outside of our homes, they get fined. But it's alright to litter into some other people houses as long as you get some permission from the government. (Or at least i suppose you need to.)

Yes, one word. "Annoying" it is.

Alright, apparently it's not because i was annoyed with the flyers and stuff. For housing agents/gas people/window people always do that. But it was the contents that irk me out.

Pastor Bonnke. HMMMS.



Remind me to turn off my flash when i take pictures in the mirror. And yes, i think i love to take pictures of myself in Dada's room. It's like, the best place in house to me.

And yes. I might start to like using flash.

*shakes head*
That's not me. That's the imposter who always helps me to take my UT.


Oh no wait. The imposter who helps me to take my UT is a black haired girl. Oops.

Any Amon insist i look fatter. And even described me as an egg. Someone, anyone who read this, please throw rotten eggs at him, alrights?
*big smile*

Anyways, till next time then, i guess.


Previous Posts:
Just wanna say: Me too ^^ Honor's roll!! JUST.CANT.SLEEP!! Poor dumb self BG DP Choco-choco-chocobunnies (: No mood to Ha.Ha. Elmo/Po fight Urge to shop
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And my boyf.
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