Monday, March 9, 2009
Jie Mei
I hate climbing out of bed to get to the bathroom even if it's just for 2 minutes. The weather is so cold that i feel like doing nothing but snuggle into my covers and drift off to sleep.And this is it. Gary had been threatening me with the cut/scratch i gave him yesterday. I thought it was nothing much initially until it started bleeding. O.O I swear to cut my nails before meeting him. I swear!! And i was adequately freaked out by one episode of Kang Xi Lai Le. They were talking about some paranormal experiences and stuff and some of it IS scary. *shudders* Ah wells. WY let me listen to one of his new mixes and it wasn't half that bad at all. But i have no idea what's wrong with either side of our com/lappie. MSN took a freaking 4 minutes plus to scan his file for virus. O.O!! And please put your hands together to welcome my new Jie Mei... DJWY!!! weiyi - says (6:07 PM): *LOL *No need la *i have my own green tea packet at home *those 24 packet drinks Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:08 PM): *wahhh.. awesome *next time.. i wont call you mentor/senior le weiyi - says (6:08 PM): *LOL Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:08 PM): *i'll call you sister lurs *^^ And i had an improvement, YAY!! weiyi - says (6:10 PM): *so what have you been doing all these while *holiday at home rotting *or go meet bf? Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:10 PM): *bingo *i either sleep *or go out *nothing else *:) *good life lurs *i woke up at 3 today seh *and ytd too **big smile* *life's good for me *yours? weiyi - says (6:10 PM): *3 pm?!?! Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:10 PM): *^^ Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:11 PM): *yeaps.. 3pm weiyi - says (6:11 PM): *well Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:11 PM): *last week was 5pm *^^ weiyi - says (6:11 PM): *thats no life *thats worse *but an improvement *lol And sister reads my blog too!! How do i know? weiyi - says (6:15 PM): *LOL weiyi - says (6:16 PM): *you can tell you momo about sleeping at 7am *and see whats her reply lur *lol For only those who reads my blog would know Dada means Dad and Momo means Mom. (: But don't think he's all that nice. Grow fatter, sister!!! Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:17 PM): *grrss.. *then.. then.. *ahhhs!! *eat so many stuff per day *confirm will get fat one lurs Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:18 PM): **shakes head* weiyi - says (6:18 PM): *i am not fat Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:18 PM): *also not good too *:) weiyi - says (6:18 PM): *i hope i could *but *my body isnt helping me =P Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - 『可以笑的話, 誰願意哭?』 says (6:18 PM): *><* *u *i *hate *you *LOLS weiyi - says (6:18 PM): *LOL *lalalalalalalalalaa And to prove he is really my sister... weiyi - says (6:20 PM): *WAH LAO *so mean *you so mean Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:21 PM): *lols.. thank you weiyi - says (6:21 PM): *you you ar *so bad HA!! Seems like those packets of green tea is working. *big smile* And then we decide to fight for our own pride!! weiyi - says (6:26 PM): *really *i wanna eat *am serious *somemore i wanna eat jap buffet tooo *droolssssssssss Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:26 PM): *JAP BUFFET?!!!! *OMMMMIIIIGOSH *i wan to!!!! **wipes mouth* weiyi - says (6:26 PM): *lao Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:26 PM): *ahem *shhhh weiyi - says (6:26 PM): *you no need la Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:26 PM): *dont tempt me weiyi - says (6:26 PM): *later say fat Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:26 PM): *>< weiyi - says (6:26 PM): *dont eat buffet la *lol *see me eat good enough to curb your temptation *lol Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:27 PM): *lols.. see you eat will make me have the temptation to hit your head only lurs *lols *and wun de *if buffet weiyi - says (6:27 PM): *see Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:27 PM): *then i will say.. you so fat le cannot *cannot eat* *i help you weiyi - says (6:27 PM): *sorry hor Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:27 PM): *i scarfice myself *help you eat *LOSL weiyi - says (6:27 PM): *that will make me eat more *=P *when i got the mood to eat buffet *i really can eat a lot weiyi - says (6:28 PM): *remember once *my family went to eat buffet *when they all cannot eat lur *i still eating my way off weiyi - says (6:29 PM): *they all look at me eat till i finish my desert *yum yum *great times =D Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:29 PM): *><* *yes.. sister pang pang *i understand *BWAHAHHAHA *and wun de *other food *i might lose *jap food weiyi - says (6:29 PM): *simi pang pang Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:29 PM): *i confirm will win you de weiyi - says (6:29 PM): *slap you ok *lol Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:29 PM): *^^ weiyi - says (6:30 PM): *i dont think so Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:30 PM): *lols.. serious wuzz.. eat so much *not pang pang then what? *LOLS weiyi - says (6:30 PM): *coz i got train in sec school want *my sec school classmate *we have a group *we always go sakae sushi and eat *and we always compete who can eat more *we stay the tray like petronas tower Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:31 PM): *lols.. *fiiine weiyi - says (6:32 PM): *stack** Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:32 PM): *then one day.. we'll see who shall win **stares* *though i dont think i will lose weiyi - says (6:32 PM): *ONZ Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:32 PM): *SET!! *and the drink must be green tea *LOLS *;P weiyi - says (6:32 PM): *sure *hot one pls *=D Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:32 PM): *set!! *i will win!!! Lynnie, ze 依靜 - Yearning just to be with - Peeps, the only goal for 2009: Make WY so fat that he cant get out of his bed ^^ says (6:33 PM): *bwahahhaha I mean, he must know if he talks like that to me, i would definitely post it up on my blog right? HA, poor sister pang pang.
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I talk to the rain
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How much it hurts
Touch my scarf. you die
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J