Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hungry people can't post decent entries
I finally got the pictures taken from Ben's camera after like forever. Alright, maybe not that long, but still, his was the last person who decides to send it to us. And i realize, he doesn't catch our attention when he tries to take the photos.Here are the proof: It's like there was this couple and then there were something going on in between them. They had differences in their viewpoints and the guy always seemed to give in (the comic was based on the guy's point of view) and at the end of the strip, the guy gave up and broke up with the girl. I can't really remember the story because it was a tad difficult to read. Too many things on too small a canvas. You can always go and try reading it if it hadn't been taken down yet. And even if it is, there will normally be other pieces on exhibit. So yes, i finally post those pictures up. I had been debating within myself if i should or not cause i look really bad in most of them. I didn't even notice him snapping away. *growls* But yes, moving on for this is really an old topic. I can't even remember when was it when the 5 of us went out together. Ah wells. Back to today. April and i went arcading, pastamaniaing and hair trimming. I failed really badly at paraing (trust me) but i fell in love with 'cartoon heroes' on DDR. And i play with her the game of some jungle shooting thingy (i call it the 'jiu jiu jiu jiu jiu jiu jiu") and we had a overall compatibility percentage of 76%. *laughs* And we found a new game. Some cooking thingy. Anyways, i feel tired now (plus i haven't even bathed yet) so i shall just end this portion by saying, ARCADE'S FUN!!! So we went to Pastamania and i got my baked pasta. Their soup was bah, garlic bread wasn't even crispy and baked pasta wasn't even mediocre. Yes, in other words, i regret eating at Pastamania. And we went down to SSC for i initially wanted to check it out to see if they have any clothes store. And i can literally count the amount of fashion&accessories stores with the fingers on one hand. *sighs* So back to Yishun after the disappointing trip down to SSC. And i wanted to get a trim for i can only see patches of brown in front of my eyes (my fringe). I initially wanted to go down to CP for that's the place i normally go to but April was telling me about the salon she went before. After deciding to go to hers, i happily sat there telling the guy to just trim a little at the ends. I was horrified when i saw how he supposedly trim my hair. Normally when people trim, they'll cut it perpendicularly towards the hand they hold the hair, but no, he cut it parallel-ly. Meaning he CHOPPED it off. But luckily, just an inch at the ends of the top of my head. So my length wasn't really affected. But moving on to my fringe. My fringe!!! I had this 'M' fringe for months, ever since Semester 1 of my first year. And he dared to cut it in the shape of a triangle. A triangle!! April was looking at me worriedly and i went O.O at her. When he asked me if it was alright after he finished cutting it, i glanced at him in such a way that he immediately trimmed it again for me. Thank god for the evil-if-you-don't-trim-it-for-me-again-then-i'll-stalk-you-home-tonight-and-burn-your-house-while-haunting-you-everyday-in-your-new-house kind of stares. And now, i don't really mind my new fringe anymore. *big big big smile* But for April... ... I honestly thought her bangs looks cute. Like really really really cute. But she hated it because it looks like how a female haircut should be. Yes, April's a girl and i'm not contradicting myself. We literally hid in the nursing room for at least half an hour while she refused to go out to face the harsh reality. I'm not going to mention about her tearing in there. *knits eyebrows together* Did i just mention that? So yes, maybe with her new bangs, she might wear more of those skirts of hers now. *big big big smile* And yes, another mandarin post would be up soon. But i'm still contemplating whether it should be published or not. |
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Ohm nom nom nom!!
Gray, blue, black?
Tobi, you better read this *glares* :P
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J