Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mummy Val
13 more posts to go!!!! Alrights, i'm so prepared to write a long entry today. Not because i had things i wanted to share/pen down but just because i'm so darn bored now. Though having said so, i still had an awesome day today. I had barely enough sleep but it was still enough for me to function without having the need to fall asleep on buses/mrts. Plus the journey isn't long enough for me to do so even if i wanted to. So i was *chew lips* At least i tried to speed things up a little by attempting to run with my short fat legs which are mercilessly stuffed into those heels. But still, i'm really sorry peeps!!! And Qing and i reached the station where Gui Qin and Jia Min were supposed to pick us up. Both of us couldn't spot either of them and wanted to walk to the other side of the station until i heard a really familiar laugh. I turned and spotted Gui Qin. Then all of us happily set off towards Mummy Val's house while salivating upon the thought of the scrumptious lunch she lovingly prepared. Gui Qin: I saw your hair color and i knew it was you. Me: I heard your laughter and i knew it was you. I have no idea were we speaking sarcastically or not in the above short conversation. Then we were walking in the sun next to a huge patch of grass (AKA no shelter in sight) and i didn't even complain. (Yes i know, ze horreur ehs? :P) Qing started to comment on how warm the weather is and Jia Min agreed while adding a few sentences of her own. And out of nowhere, Gui Qin suddenly turned around and said "See lah. Who ask the two of you to come in black." I was like O.O?!! HUHS?!!!! (P/s: Qing and i were the only 2 in black today.) I didn't even comment about how toasted i feel at that moment and she accused me? *teary eyes* Of course i fended for myself. But still, *laughs*. I've no idea should i be angry at Gui Qin or smile at her because she seems so blur-ish at times. And did i mention she brought us the longer way towards Mummy Val's house? I was even complaining to Garweeee about walking under the sun for AT LEAST ten minutes. Qing even saw the perspiration at the side of my cheek area. Then i started complaining to Gui Qin (heyys, it hurts alrights!!) and she started with some albino jokes. *squints* That's mean and i'm not an albino. I have pigmentation (like duh?) Look at my hair. My eyes. I HAVE a normal level of color pigments. And she even went on to same i have reclining pigmentation. Someone, please just pass Mummy Val a cleaver and let her hack off Gui Qin's head, alright? *evil gleam in eyes*Of course i'm just kidding. Mummy Val wouldn't do that... right? So yes, we reached her house and i stood under the fan for a good few minutes. It was so freaking warm outside and even Qing agrees. It's not just me, so don't juuuudgeee moiii!!!! (: And the first batch of bruchetta was already done by the time we reached. Qing was apparently so hungry that she was at her 3rd serving when i was barely done with my first one. So was GQ and JM. -pauses- Or does that only mean it was just me being slow in eating? *scratches chin* And Mummy Val's bruchetta had smoked salmon in it. It was not just cheese, tomatoes and spices. It had smoked salmon. Yumm!!! After knowing about the smoked salmon thingy, i immediately thought of salmon sashimi and almost drooled all over her dining table. And being as sweet as she always is, she whisked out three pieces of smoked salmon for us. I had one and shared the other two with the rest. It was salty but good. *big big smile* And i was still at my first serving of bruchetta when the second batch of it was done. Mummy Val saw that and gave two more servings just in case the rest ate my share. *glances at Qing* Yes Mummy Val, maybe that's a good move. Qing had five or six helpings for bruchetta. I wonder if that was proof as to how awesome a cook Mummy Val is or if Qing starved herself two days before just to have lunch with us. I personally choose to believe Mummy Val is a great cook (because she truly is) rather than the starving option. And next was Qing's favorite. Chicken wings!!! Alright, maybe chicken wings isn't exactly her favorite but meat definitely is. She was desperately finding meat in everything. She even tried to pepper my arm and chomp on it. LITERALLY!!!! Wings definitely wasn't my favorite for the day. The flavor was good by itself but i guess it's a little too sweet for my liking. Especially tasting it after the bruchetta. But if i was eating it on it's own (and not after the bruchetta) i might have ate a whole lot more. But still, it was really really commendable. Next is our main course. PASTA!!! Qing was ecstatic over the meat pieces. *inches away from Qing* Yes Qing, enough meat for you? Feel free to take from my plate if you want more. ... And please stop shaking the pepper over my arm? Please? I was so full after lunch till i don't dare to stand up straightly. I was afraid of revealing my already bulging tummy you see. *shifty look* STOP STARING AT MY TUMMY!!! Then we helped to wash up. I got the easiest job (out of the three) and was only tasked to dry the dishes. Qing got the easiest out of the easiest. Sit at the dining table and chat with us. Even Mummy Val was doing something (putting the dried plates away). After lunch, GQ and JM went into the room and start Youtubing away while i was learning pool from Mummy Val. Qing joined shortly after and we were 'practicing'. More like hitting one ball with another while ignoring all the rules. Then Mummy Val suddenly started to smoke and she was telling me some stuff about smoking. She was smoking some hard mint if i didn't remember wrongly. -pauses for two seconds- That pack actually do look kind of familiar. No waiiiit, Garweeee, show me the pack that you carry around in your bag. *squints* And after a few more minutes from senseless hitting of pool, Qing and Jia Min had to go and Mummy Val asked Gui Qin to tag team with me and play against her. Siao ar. Who dares to play against Mummy Val? She KNOWS her stuff man. But she was coaching us all the way so it was quite alright i guess. Though i can't still play for nuts. Went online after that and decided Sudoku looks more fun. I want a book to play Sudoku too. *pouts* Tried audition and i totally suck at it. I can't even differentiate the right keys from the left. Damn. Right now as i'm typing, i'm already downloading the client. I failed once already and am merely just trying my luck again. Shortly after, Celeste came over and we hung out a little in Mummy Val's room before dinner. May i insist, dinner was awesome too. Mashed potatoes, chicken culet and salad (along with peas where no one ate much of). I was so full that i became really quiet. You know the feeling where you feel so tired after a really heavy meal? *nods* That was how i felt. I didn't even have the excess energy to kid around. And i went back into Mummy Val's room and we chilled out a little more over there. They switched on some dance tracks (as well as the AC) and started dancing to it. And GQ suddenly came over and seemed to want to 'Ka Wu' (translated: compete in dancing) with me. I squinted at her and gave her a "go-get-a-life-and-choose-someone-else-for-i'm-not-going-to-dance with-you-cause-i-can't-dance" look AKA a vaguely constipated look. Mummy Val then said she would dance a really slutty one if Gui Qin really wants to compete. And she did a really hot one and we proclaimed Mummy Val as the winner. Then Mummy Val and Celeste went to prepare dessert leaving GQ and me in the room. Apparently GQ is still rather high and started to dance by herself. Oh yes. Did i mention? Both Tobi and GQ have the same N81 model. So obviously the first thing i did was to take photos with it. And her flash was so strong that... ![]() Please ignore the weird shape of my cheek in there. I totally had no idea what happened to my face. *prods face in real life* It don't think it looks like that. And my hair was surprisingly let down in that photo. I had my hair tied up in a really fugly old woman kind of bun for more than half the day. Then we went for dessert (ice cream with some crispy kind of bread-like thingy on top) we went back into Mummy Val's room. We talked about quite some stuff and i have no idea why but we started to talk about guys and dates. (Memory reels back to a few scenes in "Hes just not so into you".) But we weren't bitchy about it at all. Or at least i thought so. And i'm not going to prove it cause some of it are rather private. After we realize it was ten plus, the few of us decide it was time to run. And i initially had to buy a few things on the way home (i didn't expect to chill around at her house till such a late time) and i was merely telling Mummy Val. I wasn't thinking Mummy Val would have the things i want. But she DO!! *gasp in shock* And we went home separately leaving a really tired girl typing an entry right here right now. Ah wells, maybe i should just stop now and check how's the downloading of Audition. P/s: Sorry for the lack of photos. Most of the photos taken are with GQ and i haven't ask it from her yet. P/p/s: Audition is not done downloading yet. P/p/p/s: I was blogsurfing and i came across a name, "Quin Hui" O.O!!! Garweeee, it actually DOES exist. *big smile* |
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Mummy, Ge, Jie. :)
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Push. Pushed. Pushay?
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'Jin' to the 'updates'
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Shinigami CHOOOOP
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J