Saturday, March 21, 2009
Random updates
XX more posts to go!!!! I'm lazy to count and therefore decide to use 'XX'. It's honestly nothing much and is just some random retarded stuff. And i still don't feel like blogging. Even though i think i got more sleep today than any of the other days of the week but it's not as long as i would like of course. For mummy kept on barging into my room and disturbed my precious sleep. Trust me, when i mean 'barge' and 'disturb', please don't take it literally. Instead, take the impact of each word and multiply it by hundreds. That might just be about one-thousandth of what i'm experiencing. *roll eyes* And when i finally woke up (because i couldn't take the annoyance any longer), i thought she would happily move on to some other part of the house. Leaving me alone. But no, right now as i'm typing, she's still happily buzzing around my room, irritating me. Sorry mummy, i really love you. But i can't stand these at times. Alrights, since i'm here, i guess let me talk about these few days. I had been enjoying myself a lot even with about 4 hours of sleep per day. Guess this would be my training for school days where i wouldn sleep for not more than 6 hours per day. As those who faithfully reads my blog *glares around*, you would know i went to Val's house to chill and hang out with a few of my secondary 2 friends on Tuesdat. The only photo i took with Gui Qin and it wasn't exactly looks good, but who cares? And the rest of the photos are with Gui Qin (which she did post on her blog) but i'm too lazy to write about it once again. So, i just took 2 randomly and here it is. ![]() Then i had been meeting up with Garweeee for the past 3 days. *big big smile* I can never grow tired of meeting/seeing him. And i caught Mall Cop and Hotel for Dogs already. And now, i want to watch 17 again (Max in the movie doesn't look half that bad though Garweeee insists he looks gay) and Confessions of a Shopaholic. I wonder if i can ever do a proper movie marathon. *pauses for a second to think* Nah, i wouldn't be able to. And and and, we went out for a birthday meal yesterday night and maybe i shall just leave it for Garweeee to blog about (read: i'm getting lazy). Ah wells. Let me sudoku a little more then. :D |
Previous Posts:
Sentences and spaces
Happy birthday
Sony Ericsson
Mummy Val
Mummy, Ge, Jie. :)
Quiz updates!!
Push. Pushed. Pushay?
Senseless ranbling
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J