Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sudoku time
Notice the title for the entry two posts down? If you haven't, you don't have to scroll down, cause i'm going to write it here.I don't wanna believe. Just only want hallelujah. Surprised as to what i'm writing here? Don't be, cause it's merely 12012's lyrics. I can type another line to prove. 神様は不公平さ (Pronounced as:誰も救えない Kami-sama wa fukouhei sa daremo sukuenai) So, please don't judge me now, ehs? *sweet smile* Anyways, i'm faintly addicted to 12012's ballads again. The soothing voice of Wataru's accompanied by the strong yet sweet melodic beats of Tooru's (of course, the bassist and guitarist are awesome too) but, for now, let me float on the warm waters created by Miyawaki-san and Kawauchi-san. So yes, before i digress, i've been staring at the lyrics of Hallelujah for the past 12 hours and i still can't figure out what the lyrics mean. Can someone who understands Kanji help me out over here? この瞳が光を無くし この両手が灰になっても 遥か果てなき 空の向こうまで 翼広げて羽ばたくのだろう もう自由なんて要らないと泣き空を見上げて告げた 願い続け空から注ぐ痛みは 人々を包み込む様に零れ 凍えるこの痛みと悲しみを包んだ 冷たく微笑むあの場所で この瞳が光を無くし この両手が灰になっても もしも一つだけ願いが叶うなら 君は何を願う? ねぇ? 今を流れる時間は 後どれくらいあるのかも 誰も分からない そうだろ? 叫び続け街に響いた願いは 虚しさを掻き消すかの様に零れ 生きゆくこの痛みと望みを与えた その目は冷たく絶え間なく 雲の切れ間から降り注ぐ兆しは 母なる恵みの様にただ孤独で 悩めるこの世界に安らぎを伝えた I don't wanna believe. Just only want hallelujah. I don't wanna believe. Just only want hallelujah. この瞳が光を無くし この両手が灰になっても After hours of staring, i only made out very little of it. And when i put it directly into babelfish translator, it has a slightly different meaning, so i'm not sure what to do now. (And that damn LJ person doesn't want to confirm my friend request, so i can't exactly get to read the translation.) But this is what i've been deciphering. (Amon/KiSa, someone!! Please help me out over here.) This pupil loses light And both these hands turn to ash The far end It is not to the other side of the sky The wings are spreading It will probably flap -and i went bonkers at about here- I think there is already some really serious problems with this few lines. It just doesn't seem right. Someone, anyone?!! Please help me out *sob* Anyways, a little something again. 01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? - Yes. Or at least, i'm serious in it. (: 02) What was your dream growing up? - Huhs? If you meant my childhood ambition, it's to work in the media industry. But it kinda stopped and was revived again. 03) What talent do you wish you had? - More of talent, i hope i do get some magical/elemental power. 04) If I bought you a drink what would it be? - I've this sudden desire to drink sparkling juice 05) Favorite vegetable? - Cucumbers... and pickles 06) What was the last book you read? - 天使之城 07) What zodiac sign are you? - Chinese zodiac? Goat. 08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where. - None of me. But one of Gary's left ear. 09) Worst Habit? - I rarely talk about the things i feel/think about. 10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride? - Would you? 11) What is your favorite sport? - Breathing. Sleeping too. (: 12) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? - Oddly a weird kind of slight morbid optimism. 13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? - Press the bell alarm button? 14) Worst thing to ever happen to you? - Physically? I got a 20cm scar at my waist. 15) Tell me one weird fact about you. - I adore vampires and would die for one 16) Do you have any pets? - Does imaginary ones count? 17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly? - Slam the door shut and open it slightly again while asking if you have the translation of 12012's Hallelujah. 18) What was your first impression of me? - A living human. Not a vampy. 19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? - Scary. 20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? - My face. And my my entire body. 21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? - Conscience man, conscience. 22) What color eyes do you have? - Black and slightly brown under light? 23) Ever been arrested? - Nopes. 24) Bottle or can soda? Bottle. 25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? - Spendy frenzy, man. Of course, to set aside some for parents, zeh and savings. 27) What's your favorite place to hang out at? - Either my room or Gary's 28) Do you believe in ghosts? - I'm not sure myself 29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? - Sleep, laze around, go online 30) Do you swear a lot? - No, not really. *turns around and go, "fck. Like what the hell. KNNCCB. TMD."* 31) Biggest pet peeve? - Probably how i look? Or the world. 32) In one word, how would you describe yourself? - Alive 33) Do you believe/appreciate romance? - Only if i'm with him (: 34) Favourite and least favourite food? Favo - Nachos & cheese, Baked pasta, Salmon sashimi, -wait, do you still want me to continue?- Least favo - Anything spicy/bitterish. 35) Do you believe in God? At times. For there are still times where i can believe in myself. 36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you? I'll repost this. |
Previous Posts:
Semen is red. OMG
I don't wanna believe, i just want hallelujah <33 ...
Aitai Kara
BoyXBoy Love
5 survey thingy
<33 chachos
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J