Monday, November 2, 2009
Honestly, i have nothing against people liking other people's emo/depressed statuses over FB, but somehow, i just don't like it when people likes Gary's depressed statuses.

Okay, maybe the main point isn't that. The main point isn't about the statuses. I just don't like Gary being depressed. I mean, i don't like anyone i care about being depressed in the first place.

I mean, i don't even like myself being depressed. But i guess it's human to feel depressed. So i'm not blaming Gary for being depressed. And i'm also not blaming the people who's liking his statuses.

*mind boggles as eyes pops out of sockets*
Okay, this whole thing is confusing. I just feel sad when people i care about are sad.

Just like i feel worried when Mommy's worried. I feel bad when Daddy looks so sick. I like the things Zeh Zeh likes.

Okay, back to topic. I actually wanted to write an entry and ping/innit it this morning. It had been bothering me a few days and i've finally decided to blame it on the education system. And it has something to do with me being constantly sick. And when i mean sick, i mean SICK. Not those puny fevers of 38.5 degrees. Of real-man fever of 40.5 degrees (even up to 41 or 42 once or twice in the past few months. Scary shit man!!).

I'm not going to talk about the overly-talk about issue of Influenza A since that only happened in our school, but i'm going to talk about stuff i've heard not only in our schools but in others too.

I think i should come up with a disclaimer but i've decided that my blog doesn't have enough readers to land me in hot soup.

So yes, sometimes i'm thinking, if school technically only has 4/4.5 hours strength of lesson, then why not make us come at 12 or 1pm and end the lesson at 5pm. Rather than making us come at 8.30/9am and let us go at 4.30pm.

Giving us tons of study breaks doesn't equate to studying at all. Quality over quantity. Positive?

And if the study breaks are indeed for studying and if we really do, in which we only seriously do so for about an hour or so before mucking around, then add in an hour into that 4/4.5 hours. I'll very much rather have my lesson end at 6 if it starts at 12 or 1pm.

By having lessons starting albeit later, it gives me ample time to wake up and maybe study before hand if the school kindly released the problem/lecture notes to us earlier through the internet in the comfort of my home rather than some hard or having the nagging worry in my head if i am sitting on the same chair as some guy who farted into it before i sat on it.

Okay, there could be tons of other things i can come up with but just not now. Because i got to sleep cause there's school at 9 tomorrow.

Yes, i'm going back to school despite the fact that i'm still on MC. See the irony. Cause for every day i'm not in school, i get an X for the day. Meaning it contributes as a ZERO to my overall grade.

KNNBCCB. Not in school that don't count that day lah.

Sorry, had been speaking too much in Singlish lately. It's albeit difficult for me to change back into normal (note: normal and not better-than-average) English.

I think i just spoke in Singlish to Gary just now. Cause he corrected my English. *chew lips* This is bad. Real bad. I mean, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!!!!

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Dehydrated... again? demaraction line of the love please be in your smart casual attire. -roll eyes- click clock Behind every beauty lies an ugly truth She likes pretty artworks. Because they are so ugly. if this is what you want, then maybe i should just... 500 days of Summer I GOT A NEW HAIR COLOR!!!
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