Monday, March 1, 2010
nice nice people
Wow. For once, work was good. Not too bad. Not as bad as I anticipated.

And I really have super nice regulars. Damn. Am so going to miss them after I leave this place.

Not going to talk about them now.

Worked with Joycelyn today. It's so weird. Joycelyn working with Joycelyn. Whee!!

She's a nice person. And surprisingly, we didn't like the same person too. And have quite the same encounters. Am happy about that fact.

And she said she's asking the girls to go clubbing on Weds and ask if I want to go.

Hmmmmmm :DD

No one wants to go clubbing with me anyways, so... should I? :PP

Anyways, thought I would be damn bored today cause two of the regulars said that they won't be coming.

But when the others came in, I was like YAYY!!!!

Oh yes, did I mention the regulars. They are like super nice.

Okay, maybe they didn't know me when I started work for the first few days so they weren't nice to met yet but they're awesome now :D

Won't say what happened, but they're nice people. They are!! :D

Previous Posts:
survey sleep zzz half done entry cause i'm bored halfway and can't ... Kthxbai Morning Shift Pleasantly surprised woohoo! I think i spoke about these dreams before Abrupt ending Personality test
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That's me in the picture.
And my boyf.
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