Saturday, April 3, 2010
clash of the titans
Been such a long day. Texted April & Xiao Hei (Yeah WTF. No point hiding lor. That stupid boy went to tell everyone who asked him. GRR) in the morning. TEN PLUS IN THE MORNING CAN!!

OMG!! To think I just slept at 5am the previous night.

And Hei still could reply me. HAHA!! And Hei has the same surname as Jo. That's the only thing I remember. I think I suck at remembering Chinese names.

So texted him all the way till 12 where I have to get up to shower.

Sat at the living room for a while and Mom came over and talked to me.


I knew it!!

Anyways, went to work and was such a busy day. Texted Ken and asked if he put anyone at 7 to 3am.

He said no and I was like WTFFFFF!!!

Then he called and I didn't even asked for Jo's opinion, I just told Ken to let Jo work a bit more.

Last day working with Jo. I be super sad.

Worked till 11:20 and went off to watch a movie with Xiao Hei and his TW friends.

Went into the movie theater without knowing which movie it is. Super odd.

At least there are one good thing about the movie. It ends when I hope it does. There are just some movies that just goes on and on when it should end.

Asked if I wanted to go Arena after that and NOPE. At least not when I look so horrendous.

So went for supper and home it is.

Okay. I'm bored now so I shan't blog anymore.


And oh!! I only have $27 left in my bank. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET MY PAY COME IN BY MONDAY.

Cause I wanna shop with April!!!

Previous Posts:
我哈台啊 Hold my hand LOSER FACEBOOK CHAT 一直被問 Melted Belgium Truffles :( kthxbaiiii 兩万塊新幣!!! *kisses* 坏男人,好男人 hmmm.
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And my boyf.
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謝和弦ㄒㄧㄢˊ Xiaxue Holly J MFP