Sunday, October 5, 2008
Somehow i feel i should honestly start collecting money for all these horoscope findings. Let imagine if i collect $10 per horoscope, i would have earned $30 dollars already.And THAT'S what i call easy money. But anyway, seeing that i'm such a *cough* nice *cough* person, here's... 巨蟹座 CANCER Cancer Man A Cancer man will come across as an extremely shy person, who speaks less and minds his own business. He is not one of those who tell everything about themselves in the first meeting itself. Infact, it will take a large number of meetings to get even a little close to him. Cancerian male may seem to a different person every time you meet him. He may be nervous and fickle one moment; extremely confident the second minute and too shy the very next. His frown can easily turn, first, into smile and then, into a laugh. A Cancerian guy may get sad and melancholic at times and then, you will feel like putting your arms around him and comforting him. Then, suddenly his wistfulness will vanish and he will be sparkling with wit and humor. He is a true romantic and sees fairytale dreams frequently. However, he is as close to reality as anyone can be. Baffled? Don't worry, it will take some time, but you will start understanding your Cancerian man slowly and gradually. The changes in him do not mean a changing personality like the Geminis. It is just a change of moods and he will soon be his usual self again. The basic characteristics profile will, however, remain the same. Just like a crab, he retreats into a shell when his emotions are hurt. The shell is his haven and he will remain there till he is ready to face the world again. Cancerian men may look harsh and distant at times, but inside they are very gentle, kind and affectionate. Rudeness is not one of their personality traits. It just acts a cover to hide their true, vulnerable feelings. A Cancer man needs to feel secured of your love every now and then, so don't forget to say 'I Love You' everyday. The same goes for money too, debt makes him uneasy. He is the one who always pays his bills on time and he likes saving more than spending. He is not stingy, but he is also not extravagant. However, a Cancerian male won't sacrifice his taste and style in the name of economy. Economy for him means getting the worth of money he spent. Quality plays the utmost importance as far as he is concerned. A Cancer guy is very conscious of his looks, his house, his car and everything that surrounds him. His clothes need to have that perfect cut, his car that perfect shine and his food that perfect taste. He is not one of those wild men who like going against the usual norms, and sophistication is something he can't live without. There is another thing a Cancer male cannot live without - talking about his Mommy Dearest! She is most likely to be there in his every second conversation. In the other extreme, he will be totally detached from her. However, his relationship with his mother will never be casual and moderate. It has to be either of the two extremes and the first one is the most likely. At the same time, he will be the most important person in his mother's life. Make sure you pamper him as much and give him as much attention as his mother. Chivalry is in his nature, unless you give him reasons to be otherwise. A Cancerian guy may take sometime to judge you as his probable soul mate. However, once he is sure, he will shower you with love, care, admiration and gifts. At the same time, you will be expected to meet his standards, which may be quite high. If he has decided you are the one he wants to live his life with, he will pursue you with fierce determination and make you fall in love with him. Now, we talk about the qualities of a Cancerian guy as a father. He will be totally proud of his son and fiercely protective of his daughter. He will be extremely patient with them. With a Cancerian man, there is one thing you and the kids will never be short of - Love! I honestly have no idea what else to put here. Cause most of the things i have are in Mandarin and i suspect WY ain't very good in it. But who cares? xP And i'm not going to do any translation. But for fun, joy and laughter, here's still some other information about Cancer. Just that WY might try reading and get pissed off in mid-track. ★巨蟹座: 情绪容易受影响的巨蟹,在创作领域上是个感情用事的人。今天心情好,一次可完成好几个;心情糟时,会因为沮 丧的做不出来而哭泣,是相当有个性的艺术家。 巨蟹座——纯情指数86 巨蟹座既纯情也能长久地维持一段关系。他们的爱情掺杂着母性特质,带有很深的控制欲,非常情绪化,温柔却也 善妒。由于有控制欲,常使得对方想逃走,所以巨蟹座的人,容易被自己的专一纯情给伤害了,属于悲剧性格的星座。 巨蟹座 傳統的巨蟹座,是個非常戀舊的星座。他們多數比較內向,但有時候做出的事卻非常誇張,此類人的記憶力超強, 求知欲也非常旺盛。經常在內心裏比較自己和別人的優勢。他們喜歡探知別人的小秘密,卻很少把自己的隱私公佈 出來。 最適合巨蟹座的專業:首選新聞學,此行業對喜歡探知別人秘密的巨蟹座再合適不過;第二推薦營養學,巨蟹座通常是非常傳統的人,對父母一直念叨的吃飯要營養均衡也非常在意,所以選擇這個專業會非常認真的去學;第三個專業推薦資産評估,各路小道消息非常精通的巨蟹座,也非常適合這個專業。 巨蟹座 -No.1 膽子太小害怕戀愛 -No.2 杞人憂天胡思亂想 -No.3 唯唯諾諾沒有自信 -No.4 喜歡吃醋容易嫉妒 -No.5 情緒化又容易歇斯底里 And to be a really nice junior and stop irritating him out, so back to some English words. They are the times when the seasons change. Aries for Spring; Cancer for Summer; Libra for Autumn; and Capricorn for Winter. They therefore are times for a new beginning. In Astrology, the cardinal signs are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). These signs are characterised by enterprise, or starting things. Sometimes Aries and Libra are called equinox signs, and Cancer and Capricorn are called solstice signs. Equinoxes are times of perfect balance between day and night (day and night are 12 hours long). The solstice times are the times of the longest day (Cancer) and the longest night (Capricorn). Aries and Libra are times of balance, but also times of abrupt change. Cancer and Capricorn are times of extremes. The cardinal signs are associated with starting things, initiating things or being "enterprising". They are forceful and aggressive and have the will to accomplish something, often something new. They project into the world. They are creative in the sense that they cause things and start things. Cancer people are emotionally assertive. They project emotion in a protective and sensitive way. ![]() And yes, if he's able to read finish all these under 10 minutes, i salute him. |
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Holly J