Wednesday, March 4, 2009
It had been a long time since i sat in front of a piano for five hours straight. I think even Bao Hu Se didn't make me stay that long in front of it.

And there was a freaking irritating mosquito who kept on drinking my blood while i played. I was so irritated that i think i accidentally slapped it to death. Either that or that annoying pest drank too much of my blood (while thinking what a stupid human i am, who does not moving away while it drank) and was bloated to death.

But still, the five hours was not tormenting. Or at least i didn't realize 5 hours went passed until i checked the clock.

Maybe i'll continue tomorrow, since i don't think it's good to play after 7pm.

Ah wells. I've memorized the first page and i could play the top half of the second while looking at the scores. But the bottom half proves to be a little tricky.

I shall try to be able to play this piece without looking at the score by Sunday since this is wayyyy easier than Bao Hu Se. So i should be able to ehs.
*cross fingers*

And i initially didn't want to continue to touch my piano because of the extremely lazy monster in me which refuses to give way to my hardworking and dilligent self.

But Purple said something about a piano piece yesterday and i thought about ANdyStorm and [Wish]. Since it had been listening on my iShuffle for quite some time, so i thought i might as well try it too.

And Pril, of course i can help you fly. Flying comes in many different ways.

Either i put you in front of a really fast moving car and when it hits you, you'll fly for quite a good distance.

Although you might have a few broken bones/guts splattered on the ground, but at least you flew for a good few feet riight?

If that distance is not good enough, i still have another idea.

We'll just go to the highest building in SG and i'll push you down. You can taste flying for at least a few minutes. And also look into the windows and see what the people are doing.

Taken for the fact that your guts might be spilled on the ground once again but flying for such a long distance would be able to make up for it, will it not?

And no. Who says i'm evil. I'm merely helping you fulfill the things you wanna do. This, if i'm not wrong, is called... *errrs* HELPFUL!!
*big smile*

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*whistles* AHHHHS!! No mood to blog ): FIVE THINGS what do i exactly want? YAWNS Ohm nom nom nom Dumb wok Rock on Just wanna say: Me too ^^
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