Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Oh my cold peas :(
Generally when i meet people whom i can't even remember their names, i expect us to have either one, no small talk at all, or two, talk about the weather.Alrights, maybe not literally the weather, but you get my point. So yes, i'm not really happy at a particular someone right now, whom i still have an urge to test out the punching techniques that Gary taught me a few hours ago, then castrate him, let him heal, before letting him choose his method of dying. So yes, maybe these will be the few things you would want to take note in order not to get into my bad books:
Alright, i think i made my point over here. I clearly do not think of him as a friend (and made it rather obvious at the beginning when he said i was his friend and i corrected him by saying he was my senior) and therefore, i do not think that i have any need to accept his nonsense. Though honestly, i thought i really went out of my way to at least pretend to be nice. But apparently, either he does not appreciate my efforts or he just too darn thick to realize it. The first hit came when he told me about checking my mail. Obviously towards people i don't know that well, i would give them a certain amount of respect but definitely not authority over me. The last thing i would expect is for him to 'order' me. Alright, you might think i am overreacting over here, but that was the vibes i got from him when he was talking. "You know you shouldn't check it every three days but three hours or so." If i did not give him any respect, i would have rolled my eyes, asked him to suck it up, get a life (and outside) instead of staying at home, mucking around and checking the webmail every three hours or so. I might not have a really interesting life but i think i still do have more things to do than check my mail for every three hours or so. Seriously, i'm not someone who easily accepts any random person that comes walking into my life who tries to influence me. To be honest, i sometimes think i really do have quite a high level of pride. Meaning, i do not accept you to be someone of higher status than me unless you can prove it to me. But i'm still not to the extent in being such a proud retard who does not listen to anyone. I'll listen and still heed if it was people like daddy, mommy, zeh, gary or april who are the ones telling me to do it. Alright, maybe i'll grumble and whine a little, but i'll still do it. But generally for other peeps, i would normally just roll my eyes at you if you try to instruct/command me. Okay next, i didn't know if he realized, but when he said that i 'eat Garweee's tofu' (aka take advantage of him), i went into a stonage mode for 2 seconds before trying to make a joke out of it. Apparently, he does not realize that the joke was meant to be a bridge for us to get over this topic. He had to go on to explain the joke to Garweeee. Like seriously, can't he notice that most girls wouldn't like people who they don't really consider to be friends/know/close with saying things like this about their boyfriends. I mean, i don't even mind him being close friends with Ivan/Wei Tze/Alton or whosoever, but once he tried to be someone who have authority over me and talk about Garweee in such a manner, oh boy, how i hope he can just leave me alone. Alrights, i want to munch on my peas which had gotten really cold now (it was still warm when i first got it) before it gets any colder. Watch out for my next update which will comes after my peas. *big smile*
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![]() And my boyf. Hate me or love me People I read
Holly J