Saturday, November 1, 2008
tired peeps cant blog
Fine. Singaporean guys aren't all that bad alright?

You guys are still my besties. No worries. *smiles*

Alright, for that, i'm not going to talk about how awesome Gary is. And if i can't about that, i can't pretty much talk about my day at all. Owww.

For he was awesome throughout the entire day.

Right, then i shall save the post as a draft then.


So fine, no Gary being a gentleman issue being said here, alright?

And we went to catch a movie. And it wasn't too bad.


Why the idea, you ask? Cause i read April's blog yesterday and she said that she rated 3/5 stars. Which by her standards, yes it's pretty good.

So when presented the choice of either Tropic Thunder or Rec, i chose REC!!

And yeaps, EVERYONE DIED!!!

Isn't that the best movie ever?

But there wasn't an ending to it. And we were discussing on how illogical the whole thing is. The movie doesn't address every single issue. Skipping aside the what-happened-at-the-end question, it doesn't talk about what happen to the Asian's father. Neither does it show how this tape gets leaked out.

Was the paralyzed father infected? No one said anything. But all we could guess is that he probably is. If the Asian woman was infected by the father and not by someone else.

And since everyone who was infected by the virus doesn't have a pulse and neither do they die. So there are eternally in that building, so how could the tape leaked out?

Anyway, what's one thing i respect about the movie? It'll be Pablo. For he's one who never appeared before the lens, but without him, the movie can never flow properly. Also, how the movie is filmed is definitely interesting. A fresh perspective, i would say. *smiles*

Somehow, Gary is a little more sadistic. (I'm not mentioning his gentleman-ness), he loves Jennifer. His nic even changed to 'Attack of the tonsillitis child'

Anyway yes, REC is one movie you would want to watch. In comparison to Coffin.

Although Coffin teaches you values but REC is what you want if you're for blood and bitings.

So yes, after that was coffee. And home!!!

Yes, see. I so did NOT mention anything about Gary lending me his spare phone, takes initiative (asking where the heck is Atsuki instead of me doing the job), treats me to candy and chocolates, to drinks, to arcade, (almost movies too), lets me order my stuff first, lets me up the narrow escalator up first, holds the door for me, pats my back while i coughed (alright, IDK, but somehow it's different. Other people touches me and i hate it), is really concerned about my damn flu (although it's so much better already) and yes, sending me home.

See, i so did NOT mention those up there. And oops. I think i just did. :X

Yes, why am i always harping on the last point? Because no one had ever sent me home. Not even any of my ex. The closest i got was to the bus station. Because he can grab a bus from the intechange home.

But Gary? Someone whom doesn't even know me sent me home which is so out of his way. He lives in Pasir Ris and me in Yishun. He had to almost lost his way trying to find that underpass just to get to the MRT station to get home.

So verdict? I'm blown over by his gentleman-ness.

So you know what? Hold my door for me the next time you see me. *grins*

And yes. I saw a lot of dance albums today. EDM albums i mean.

DJ Tiesto, Paul Van Dyke, Armin, MOS (2007), then a few compliations which i can't remember their names.

And not to forget, JROCK!!!

Yes, i saw Alice9, An cafe, DEG, ... ... But nope, no 12012. ):

And both classic and touch are expensive. Shall i or shall i not? Or should i just wait? *scratches chin*

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