Thursday, March 11, 2010
His hair. OMG, his hair!
The fourth morning now. I think I am getting better.

Not better as in better per se, but trying my very mean way of getting better.

I'm trying to sap the things that Gary once did for me from everyone around me.

SMSes and concerns before I sleep and the minute I wake up, people to talk to during work, someone who asks me how's my day, concerned about my day, ... blah blah blah.

I know it's different. Way different. And way cruel and unfair too (to them), but I really don't know how to handle this.

All my previous breakups was so easy. I didn't even have to get over it, life didn't seem to change. But not this time... but then again, what can I do?

And you know what's the scary thing. I've been always talking about xiao hei here, xiao hei there. And I just realized one thing, one scary thing.

I never paid much attention to it because he styles his hair in this way that I find it relate-able but not too farmiliar. Until one day where he comes in with his hair unstyled.

It was then when I realized whose hair his resembled.

It was blond, with slight black roots. Longish hair for a guy... getting a picture?

Sigh sigh. But his face looks completely different.

OMG. I'm running late. I'm going to get a crossword book and my heels today.

I really don't wanna get those shoes. The shoes we ordered together but this time, I'm the only one taking it by myself.

Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.

Previous Posts:
Love... is a wish your heart makes :'( never would i thought that it would be this painful 我猜他才17嵗 decent lunch boy meets girl. who's the boy? who's the girl? Two lines out of this entire passage are something... 21 questions nice nice people survey
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That's me in the picture.
And my boyf.
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